Core FSM Layer

Detailed Description

The act of traversing a maze can be recast in terms of a finite state machine: each room in a maze is represented by one or more states, and the inputs that the finite state machine can process in its current state correspond to the available exits from that maze room. The various FSM Input Makers and FSM Builders found in this layer help to facilitate the building of such a finite state machine so that it can be used to simulate the traversal of a maze.


class  msmazes::NBitFSMBuilder<>
 Finite state machine builder for making n-bit mazes. More...
class  msmazes::ParallelepipedFSMBuilder<>
 Finite state machine builder on top of a Parallelepiped. More...
class  msmazes::SphereFSMBuilder<>
 Finite state machine builder on top of a SpherePattern. More...
struct  msmazes::DefaultArgumentValidationPolicy
 Default argument validation policy class. More...
class  msmazes::FSMBuilder<>
 Base finite state machine builder class template. More...
struct  msmazes::FSMDirectionInputMaker
 FSM input maker for making directional inputs. More...
struct  msmazes::FSMNextStateInputMaker
 Finite state machine input maker for making next-state inputs. More...
struct  msmazes::FSMNoInputMaker
 Finite state machine input maker for making edge-index inputs. More...
struct  msmazes::FSMYawInputMaker
 Finite state machine input maker for making directional inputs. More...
struct  msmazes::FSMInputMakerTraits< FSMInputMaker >
 Finite state machine input maker traits struct template. More...

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