Physical Cell Concept

A Physical Cell is any cell type associated with a Physical Pattern.

Refinement of



Associated Types

No additional types beyond those defined in the Assignable concept.

Valid Expressions

In addition to the expressions defined in the Assignable concept, the following expressions must be valid.
Name Expression Type Requirements Return Type
Constructor Pattern::Cell(n) Pattern::Cell
Constructor Pattern::Cell cell(n)
Cell coordinate access cell[n] A cell coordinate type

Expression Semantics

In addition to the semantics defined in the Assignable concept, the following semantics must apply.
Name Expression Precondition Semantics Postcondition
Constructor Pattern::Cell(n) n == 3
Constructor Pattern::Cell cell(n) n == 3
Cell coordinate access cell[n] 0 <= n && n < 3 cell[0] is the cell's x-coordinate, cell[1] is the cell's y-coordinate, and cell[2] is the cell's z-coordinate.

Invariants and Runtime Complexity Guarantees

In addition to the invariants and guarantees defined in the Assignable concept, the following invariants must hold.
Name Invariants Runtime complexity
Cell coordinate access Amortized constant time

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